1. What is Theatre?


What is Theatre? – LIVE performance.
* Theatre
* Musical theatre
* Opera
* Music
* Sporting event
* Dance
* Church, ceremony of any kind
* classroom
Live performance, interaction between actor and audience… do different audiences make performances of the same show different?

What do you need to do theatre?
In the end, all you need is a single performer and audience member
There are no other rules!!

What do you like about theatre? Why do you do it?
* Prove a point
* Tell a story
* Entertain
* Make them laugh
* Social commentary
* Political statement (ie. Evita)
* To educate
* Provoke emotional response
* Make money?

Why do audience members go to see theatre?
* Entertainment
* Escape from life
* Depends on the person… do theatres need to know why their audience members come? Yes... Help choose future shows…

If doing theatre for money… what kind of theatre does that make you?
Profit versus non-profit
* Profit – PPAC, North Shore – money goes back to private investors/producers
* Non-profit – Gamm, Trinity – money goes back into the theatre company to produce more shows
- Discuss Theatre by the Sea and the upcoming switch
- Easy way to tell? Producers versus Board of Directors
- Pros/Cons?
- Non-profits get tax breaks, easier to get volunteers, gifts, donations… but the varied opinions of board members can make direction and decisions making tough

* Do both types do still need to worry about money?
Yes, if they want to pay a staff/performers, etc… or have money to produce future shows
Or not, if it’s a one time thing/special event for a purpose, soap box, street performer, etc…

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