7. Design Process

Design Process 

1. Commitment – When you decide to do it! 

2. Analysis – Information gathering Objectives of Analysis 
- Gather info to clarify and define challenge you face putting on this show 
- Identify areas you’ll need to do more research on 
A. Script 
B. Discussions with the design team 
C. Identify areas you need to research 

A. Script Analysis 
What’s the first thing you do when considering a script or you get a script you are working on?? READ IT!! 
 Three sets of info any designer needs to get from the script: 
1. Read it for fun – storyline, characters, your emotional response 
2. Broad concepts and feelings. Specific moments or incidents that stimulate your imagination, grab your attention, give you strong visual images or feelings. Jot down words, feelings, make quick sketches. 
 3. Technical specifics – number of scenes that need distinct sets, requirements called for in the show (ie. the plane in Drowsy or Helicopter in Miss Saigon). Specific props, costumes, special effects called for in the script. 

B. Discuss!
As you brainstorm solutions to the design problems in the show, here are some things you need to consider and discuss: 
- What is the production budget? 
- Where is it being produced? What type of space is the theatre? 
- What theatre magic if the space capable of supporting? 
- Why are we doing the play? What do we want the audience take away from the performance? 
- When are designs due? 
- When will the lights be installed? 
- Where will the set be built and how will it be transported to the theatre? 

C. Looking Ahead!
These questions should give rise to more… What do you need to learn more about? 

3. Research (dramaturgy) – 
A. Past productions 
B. Historical time period/Culture 
C. Author 
D. Historical figures? Stereotypes?
Read about previous productions of the play (photos, sketches if available) – Use them but don’t copy! Don’t be so worried about copying though that you change the intention of the play. History of the period in which the show is set – fashions, décor, events, famous figures, etc… (For example, street scene with a wall covered with posters… what would those posters look like?) 

 In-class - read script samples 
- What would you make note of as a designer working on this show? 
- What do you need to do research on? 
- Does anyone know where stage directions come from? 
 - Original production’s stage manager prompt book 
 - Do these descriptions need to be followed exactly? 

 ** Script Analysis and Research along with discussions with the design team lead to the formation of a production concept ** 
- A point of view on the whole play 
- A point of view on the main character and how that relates to the whole play 
- How that view is going to be realized on stage 

 4. Incubation – Leave it alone and come back to it 

 5. Selection – Start making decisions using the info you’ve gathered and define concept 

 6. Implementation – DO it! 

 7. Evaluation – Did it work? 

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