14. Sound Designer

Sound Mix – The sound in the room / Blend of electronic signals from several sources.

Balance - adjusting the volume of different aspects while mixing ie) singers, blending them with instruments and each other

Sound Mixer or sound board – used to adjust loudness and tone

Types of sound cues: 
1. Sound effects – examples, phone rings, barking dogs, door slam
2. Background music
3. Scene change music
4. Pre-show/intermission music
5. Pre-recorded voice overs

Things to consider: 
1. Mood and Spirit of the play 

2. Historical period of the play 
a. Style of popular music
b. Artists and songs exist in that time?

3. Locale 
a. Style of music popular in that area
b. Ethnic/cultural inspirations

4. Socioeconomic level 
a. Type of music stereotypically liked by that demographic
b. Quality of recording – top of the line CD player, crummy tape deck
c. Quality of item making the sound – older v. newer phones

5. Personality of the characters 
a. What do they like?

6. Season of the year 
a. Holiday?
b. Other examples: summer, beach tunes

 Presenting your Designs – “HOW TO” 
Input - Sounds sources:
* Microphones
* Player – CD, laptop, ipod, etc…

* Sound board – control volume of inputs, master volume, EQ

* AMP – Makes the sound louder
* Speakers - Amp included?

In Class exercise: 
Sound Design Samples - How does it make you feel? - What does it tell you about the show its from?

Homework Assignment - Due Monday!
 - The show = All My Sons by Arthur Miller
- Research the show!
- Choose one song to use as preshow/intermission/scene change music.
- Describe why you chose that song.
- Provide a CD of the song, or where you heard the sound sample (amazon, itunes, youtube etc…)
- You will present your song and why you chose it in class!

In class example: 2 songs for Dancing at Lughnasa 
1936 Ireland
Model shown in class - not a happy show - Family in dire financial straights. 5 sisters who never married, end up splitting up in the end. Radio features in the show.
1. "Pennies from Heaven" by Billie Holiday
2. "Valencia Harbour" by Brian Bigley

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